17, street Seddik Ben Yahya, Valmascort – Annaba

Our Wilaya

Wilaya of Annaba
General presentation
Annaba is a coastal town in eastern Algeria. It is located 600 km from Algiers and is the third main city in the country after the capital Algiers and Oran. It covers 1,439 km² with 122.5 km on the Mediterranean coast.
Geographical limits
  • In the North by the Mediterranean Sea.
  • To the East by the Wilaya of El Tarf.
  • To the West by the Wilaya of Skikda.
  • To the South by the Wilaya of Guelma.

Its relief consists mainly of:

  • Forest-oriented mountains: 52.16%
  • Hills and foothills: 25.82%
  • Plains: 18.08%

Its forests are suitable for sylvan activity, especially for cork and eucalyptus wood. They cover nearly( 75,500 ha) including (15000 ha) of cork oak. The agro-pedological potential represents nearly (58600 ha) particularly located in the plains of Seybouse and Lake Fetzara. Almost 58% of arable land is located in the piedmont areas (38700 ha).

The climate of the wilaya of Annaba is Mediterranean, hot and temperate. The region is richly watered (650 to 1000 mm / year), its average temperature is 18 ° C.

Wilaya of Annaba also has a fairly dense hydrographic network, consisting of Lake Fetzara (sweet water) which extends over (4800 ha )and the Oued Seybouse with a length of 127.5 km 4. Transport The wilaya of Annaba is linked to the major cities of Algeria and to Tunisia, 100 km away by a dense road and rail network. Skikda, Constantine, Algiers, Tunis and Guelma are thus directly served from the wilaya of Annaba.

The Penetrating Highway of Guelma crosses the wilaya. Annaba Airport (Rabah Bitat) offers with Tassili Airlines and Air Algeria many national and international destinations including Paris, Lyon and Marseille. While the port transports passengers to Marseille or Italy and provides a large part of the transport of Algerian goods. The port is currently closed for renovation reasons. The tram is under construction and the train station has been completely renovated.

Population of the wilaya observed in 2018: 675273 inhabitants.

Potentialities of the Wilaya

Annaba is distinguished by its geostrategic position, its natural potential, its various infrastructures and its history; so many assets which the dissidence to the rank of industrial and tourist pole ideal place . These include:

  • Opening onto the Mediterranean basin on a 122.5 km long coast.
  • A seafront made up of 21 beaches located within a 10-minute isochronous area of ​​the capital of Annaba and stormed during the seaside season by the hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers from the various Wilayas of the country
  • The existence of a varied land sea and air infrastructure network, and multimodal (a port with a container terminal, an international airport and a railway station)
  • With a very significant fishing potential of nearly 30000 tons / year/all species combined.
  • From an exceptional tourist potential base of a future boom in seaside tourism (multitude of small beaches including those of Sidi Akacha in Chetaibi, Djenane El Bey in Seraidi and Ain Achir in Annaba as well as one of the most beautiful bays in the world Chetaibi Bay)
  • From an industrial base enhanced by the existence of large industrial complexes of national and international (ARCELOR MITTAL-FERTIAL-FERROVIAL) and a very accentuated attractiveness due to the possibilities of subcontracting that it can generate and of the hand skilled work that she can to drain.
  • Two02 university centers of international dimensionwith an overall capacity of around 53000 students.
  • A technological park whose mission is to bring together the best conditions to allow the emergence of innovations by the grouping of strategic partners.